Where are you located?
We are located in Washington State, the heart of the Pacific Northwest.
How long have you been in business?
We don't consider this a business. To us, it will always be a
hobby. Over the past 30 years we've seen a lot of dealers come
and go, but what keeps us interested is the pursuit of items for
our own collections. Along the way we hope that we can help build
your collections with items that don't fit in ours.
What do you collect?
A: See our Items
Wanted page for items we
are most interested in adding to our collections.
I have a collection that I would like to sell, can you help me?
A: Yes! We will purchase one item or an
entire collection. We also offer a consignment service. We are
not full time dealers and do not make a living as resellers. That
allows us to offer unbeatable commission rates so you realize
the most from your collection. We would be pleased to visit you
and give an on-site evaluation or pick up and transport your collection.
Please contact us for details.
What's my item worth?
What the market will pay for it. We can give you an educated idea
of what your item is worth based on our experience. We will point
out key features that distinguish or diminish value and provide
our opinion. Internet auction sites regularly make any seasoned
professional appraiser look foolish at times. Value is subject
to the audience you can attract.
Who buys this stuff from you?
A: Some of the most advanced private collectors
from around the United States and Canada. But we also work closely
with a number of museums and have contributed many items for public
display. We are experienced in facilitating tax deductible donations
as well.